Its only a few weeks to World Water Day 22 March. In the conference Rework The World we have 5 main themes one of them is WATER, and I thought I would present some of the water projects here.
Over 1 billion people all over the world lack safe drinking water and over 2.6 billion have no access to basic sanitation facilities. One part of the problem is the lack of adequate business models for efficient water services. If we create distribution systems for water and also implement sustainable sanitation solutions and waste handling these systems can provide enormous new employment possibilities.
These fantastic projects and many more will come to Leksand on the 2nd to the 5th June to Rework The World.

Sometimes you can see the difference between good water and bad water.
Which glass would you drink from?
Which glass would you drink from?
The picture is from
A global campaign to build awareness on sanitation and commercialize sanitation products
Jack Sim, World Toilet Organization
The 2.5 billion people without access to proper sanitation cannot be solved by charity alone. Now the World Toilet Organisation is building the market infrastructure for an efficient sanitation marketplace. The opportunity for economy of scale here is massive. The World Toilet Organisation is setting up a SaniShop franchising system, where training from how to determine local demand, starting & operating a SaniShop, promotion, installation, maintenance and a full menu of choices of products and services bundled with financing options. The ability as neutral party to convene and unite the whole global sanitation community to collaborate is unprecedented. As partner of USAID's WaterShed project, the World Toilet Organisation started the sanitation marketing program which proves very successful. Now is the moment to scale. The goal is to have complete the SaniShop franchise manual and field test it within next 12 months. To roll-out SaniShop franchises in all of Mekong region in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma ( about 30 SaniShops in 2011). Scale to 300 SaniShop world-wide in 2012. And let the geometrical progression continue by "power of 10" each year, meaning: 3000 in 2013, 30,000 in 2014, etc. Decentralized and globally self-sustainable model will include micro-manufacturing, micro-cosignment, micro-financing, non-interest tontine system, import of more intelligent parts from centralized design and manufacturing centers.
Selling small, simple sanitation solutions
Karin Ruiz, Peepoople
Today 2,6 billion people have no access to basic sanitation facilities. This affects both the society and the individual through the contamination of fresh water and ground water. Peepoople has re-thought the problem and by using a bottom up approach created a simple viable solution that will be able to reach the most poor. The Peepoo is a self-sanitising single-use biodegradable toilet bag and it puts the users needs first. It also opens up several opportunities for services systems to establish themselves. After use the Peepoo bag offers a value as fertilizer which enables collection and reuse systems to arise, informally or formally, privately or publicly, small scale or large scale. With one million people using the Peepoo toilet in 2015, there will be some 1000 employment opportunities for distribution and collection services.
Selling small, simple sanitation solutions:
Water for All Always
Vijay Chaturvedi, Development Alternatives
In cooperation with Arghyam Trust, Development Alternatives initiated a project to increase water security in Bundelkhand, India, by involving the community in developing and delivering solutions. The management of water supplies has had a focus on conservation and on community management. Women and young people in the village have been trained to deliver and install 'Jal-TARA' water purification systems (Slow Sand Filtration technique, developed by DA) in the villages to purify bacterial contamination which is the main problem in the region. The impact of the initiative can be seen in how thewomen from these villages are now enjoying the freedom from drudgery and diverting their efforts for productive employment such as food processing or poultry rearing, to raise their income levels. In these villages, village committees are responsible for collecting payments by users of the water supplied and consumed and use water meters to keep track of excessive consumption. In certain villages the water delivery enterprises are set up by the community while in others it is set up by an individual entrepreneur. So far, the initiative has been implemented in 10 villages, generating various employment opportunities. Development Alternatives estimates that with an investment of 10Million USD over the next 5 years, the initiative has the capacity to create more than 1000 enterprises and 300 jobs in approximately 100 villages.
Water for All Always: community driven water security solutions: Development Alternatives (